Mystic Kashmiri Tantra Massage

Mystic Kashmiri Tantramassaaž
Session duration is up to 2h
Please take into account the conversation before the session as well as the integration time after the session.
Please also take into account the time needed for showering.
Mystic Kashmiri Tantramassaaž
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Male client (from Tallinn)
You made me feel and you let me experience - how much good and wonderful I have been away from in my life so far. Your ability to touch, your ability to do it with a special respect, your divine guidance to understand that all that is good in a human being is and always will be - still resonates with me. For that I am infinitely grateful.
At some point in the middle of the session, I found myself thinking that only a woman who trusts her body and herself completely - can share her existence and love in this way. Maybe that's the case - because that first contact with your wonderfully warm skin, your silky, warm body - put me in a clear lock. This locking up, admittedly, stems from my experience with my ex-spouse, where touching each other was not in the norm, perhaps even unacceptable at one point. You, however, were able to erase, to release, to remove this shadow in me.
And perhaps secondly, that your wonderful touch on my face gave me a kind of clarity and peace that I had never felt before. Seriously - I needed and need this very much to guide myself to be myself again.
However, I am extremely grateful, and I don't know how to formulate sentences of praise. But it is in me, with me.