Healing through conscious touch

Mystic Kashmiri Tantra Massage

Mystic Kashmiri Tantramassaaž

Session duration is up to 2h

Please take into account the conversation before the session as well as the integration time after the session. 

Please also take into account the time needed for showering.


Mystic Kashmiri Tantramassaaž

Kashmiri Tantramassaaž on sügav ja sensuaalne massaažirituaal Kashmirist, Põhja-India müstilisest osast, kus Kashmiri Tantra meistrid kasutasid seda tehnikat keha, meele ja hinge tervendamiseks.
Mis on Kashmiri Tantramassaaž?
Kashmiri Tantramassaaž on justkui rada, mis juhatab meid tagasi meie kehani, mis liiga sageli on “kaaperdatud” häbitunde poolt. Kaasates kogu oma keha armastavasse arusaamisse puudutusest, on meil võimalus ühenduda selle süütu lapsega meis, kes siia sündides ei olnud häbist “kaaperdatud” ning ei andnud seksuaalset tähendust ühelegi vastuvõetud puudutusele. Kui me anname endale täiskasvanutena võimaluse taaskord sellist puhast puudutust tunda, siis anname ka oma kehale võimaluse vabaneda teda piiravatest häbi kihtidest.
Kashmiri Tantramassaaži keskne roll on ühendada, meis peituv, süütu sisemine laps ning seksuaalselt küps täiskasvanu. Need on rollid mis on meis kõigis ja ajatult elunemas ning nad on pidevas omavahelises vastandumises, mis tekitab sisemisi konflikte, sest puudub harmoonia.
The reason for this internal conflict is the pressure with which our society and culture have burdened us and the weak understanding of our own "self". We are anxious, afraid, dissatisfied and often feel needy, but most of us don't know what or why.
The tantric masters of Kashmir created this massage ritual to restore harmony and enable a sense of wholeness.
See massaaž on tavapärasest intensiivsem kui teised tantristlikud massaažiliigid, ning seda ennekõike kasutatavate kehaasendite (asana) tõttu. Asendid mis Kashmiri Tantramassaažis on kasutusel, seavad kliendi mitmesse erilisse asendisse, mis omakorda loovad tugeva ühenduse nii süütu sisemise lapse kui seksuaalselt küpse täiskasvanu vahel.
Kashmiri tantric massage gently and respectfully covers the genital area by touching the entire body.
Kashmir´i Tantramassaažist saadav kasu.
Kashmiri Tantramassaaž on pigem teadlik vaimne praktika ja töö iseendaga. Seanss pakub sügavat tervendust ja lõõgastust. Kontrollist vabanemist. Aksepteerimist. Luba enesel olla hetkes ilma selleks midagi tegemata. See on võimas protsess erinevate emotsionaalsete ja mentaalsete blokeeringute ja piirangute eemaldamiseks oma kehast. Turvalisus ja usladus on võtmesõnad mis kulgevad kaasas kogu seansi vältel.
By lying naked and being touched at the same time, it is possible to rediscover the innocent feeling that was characteristic of us before adolescence, when we discovered our bodies through self-touch without the slightest guilt or shame.
The purpose of this massage is to reconnect with your body and help you better listen to your body's wisdom . The session is the perfect environment to learn about the pleasurable part of your body and explore the erogenous zones that live in it. It is a beautiful opportunity to open up to intimacy and vulnerability and allow traumas to surface, heal and transform.
Praktiline info Kashmiri Tantramassaažile tulles.
Kashmiri Tantramassaaži seansi eelduseks on eelnevalt vähemalt ühe Tao Tantra previous Taoistic Tantra massage session.
If you are coming to a session for the first time, please allow yourself about 3 hours (normal session duration is 2 hours) so that I have enough time to get to know you and explain to you what the session consists of and how it goes. 
Taking a shower is a prerequisite to start the session. Everything you need for this is available in the therapy room.
I have been initiated into Tao Tantra massage through the Tantra Essence Team with MA Ananda Sarita, Modestas Stonkus and Dharmaraj under guidance (https://balimassagetraining.com).


Male client (from Tallinn)

You made me feel and you let me experience - how much good and wonderful I have been away from in my life so far. Your ability to touch, your ability to do it with a special respect, your divine guidance to understand that all that is good in a human being is and always will be - still resonates with me. For that I am infinitely grateful.
At some point in the middle of the session, I found myself thinking that only a woman who trusts her body and herself completely - can share her existence and love in this way. Maybe that's the case - because that first contact with your wonderfully warm skin, your silky, warm body - put me in a clear lock. This locking up, admittedly, stems from my experience with my ex-spouse, where touching each other was not in the norm, perhaps even unacceptable at one point. You, however, were able to erase, to release, to remove this shadow in me.
And perhaps secondly, that your wonderful touch on my face gave me a kind of clarity and peace that I had never felt before. Seriously - I needed and need this very much to guide myself to be myself again.
However, I am extremely grateful, and I don't know how to formulate sentences of praise. But it is in me, with me.
